Presentation of the councilor
From the Department of Social Services we present to the municipality of Almoradi as a work team composed of 11 professionals whose premise is to consider the right of citizenship to social services from a vision of collective responsibility for the common welfare of all.
For this council, social services have to be a guarantee for citizens in terms of welfare insofar as they safeguard their most basic and fundamental needs for the development of their lives. That is why the answers to the needs of the citizenship must be concrete, efficient, fast and above all close and close to our people.
Good management of municipal social services has to go hand in hand with all the social organizations that act and intervene in improving the quality of life of our neighbors. Therefore networking, from the coordination with the social organizations of our municipality, will be one of our fundamental axes in the development and organization of municipal social services.
I am convinced that an efficient management of social welfare policies, from transversality with other councils (education, culture, youth, equality, employment …) is synonymous with quality of life, equality of opportunity, inclusion, Social cohesion and future for our people.
María Jesús Pérez Galant.